Wednesday, August 21, 2013

HE provides ALL that we need!

 Psalm 37: 4
Delight yourself in the Lord and He WILL give you the desire of your heart.

Ah, I do not know how to fully express the truth of that Bible verse. Firstly, everyday He gives me pure joy as I am so privileged to embrace some of the most amazing children on the planet. I tickle them sometimes and so they will come close enough to me for a hug, smile, and then wait for me to tickle them. The photo above was after I waited a significant time before I started tickling her tummy. She bursted out into laughter, which in turn made me laugh hysterically with her.

A Secret Desire 
I have been here for almost 3 weeks now, and I find myself deeply desiring a friend. At first, I was almost ashamed to admit this deep desire to have a female bond with someone; however, the desire grew stronger when I had no one to talk with about my hard days, no one to laugh with about my silly moments, and no one to talk deeply about the weights that are on my heart. 
 I didn't care if I had just one friend, a friend is all I desired. 
I prayed and presented this request to God, then continued seeking Him and obeying Him in my life, waiting patiently for His provision. 
Saturday, I met a young lady around my age who is American, 3 years older than me and married to a Nepali guy (newly weds of just 3 months). After spending one evening with the couple, it was clear we were meant to be friends. 

Yesterday I met another friend while I was serving at the slums. She was my age, a  Nepali girl who has a testimony and an undeniable passion to serve the Lord. We made plans to attend a worship service on Saturday afternoon. We connected quickly, and it brought tears to my eyes at HIS perfect provision. I wondered sometimes if it was selfish to desire a friend, but I knew that the Lord gives us ALL we need and so I prayed for His will to be done. He could not have provided better women for my life. They are more than a blessing!
God provides everything! He is so amazing that I sit here in awe sometimes because HE treasures and loves His children so much. He treasures YOU and ME. At times, this is difficult to believe. But I know it is true. I know that He loves us. 

It astounds me how blessed I am to be here. I love this country so much. I know now, that God has a purpose for everyone and when you are working within that purpose there is something beautiful about everyday life. In the above photo, we were attempting to create a flower with our hands. I had rested my hand face up on my "Jholaa" (backpack) and quickly two sets of hands went around mine. One of my boys said, "Flower. Karina miss. We make flower." I said, "Ah, Raamro! (beautiful). Different sizes, different colors. All created by the perfect creator. I love being here so much!

It is funny how He will use us in ways that we do not expect Him to. A girl who was here as a short term missionary from another country was serving with me and will be leaving soon. Today, her and I began talking about God and His will for our lives. I didn't know what to say [I am really not that smart] so I just started telling her the awesome things God has done in my life and why I feel called to Nepal. After the conversation, with teary eyes, she stated that she really needed to hear that and was so blessed by the conversation. I knew it was God because I could feel His presence in the room. She then bought me some great books that she believes will help me on my journey. GOD PROVIDES!

Another great story of Gods provision is about finances. I was sitting with a friend one afternoon discussing the reality of my finances. I had felt led to go on a mission trip to far west Nepal (Humla). But my funds were not there. Everytime I attempted to put the need out there to my friends and family, it wouldnt work. It was so strange. So with no one even knowing that I am in the need of (at the time, I thought $2,000). I had no idea how I would be able to go on this trip that I deeply desired to go on. I finally prayed a prayer with few words, but deep convition. Desiring that His will be done more than anything. Moments later, I received an email that said the words that made me cry. A friend donated $1,610 to my account. A beautiful moment of Gods provision. A few days later I learned that because I am already in Kathmandu it will only cost me $1,500. God didnt want me to put the needs out because now I can boast about Him!! He is so wonderful and HE TRULY PROVIDES!!! 

Every Moment Counts
I am a slow learner. But I am slowly learning that every second and every moment counts. He has directed my steps and is continuing to show me the way. In the meantime, He has provided me with great friendships, amazing children that I am blessed to serve every morning, wonderful students who I am blessed to teach, an amazing Nepali tutor while I wait for admission for a Nepali class, an extraordinarily amazing family to live with, and a wonderful church that I am blessed to serve in the children's ministry. 

Please continue to pray for me as I continue to wait on the Lord, every second and every moment of every day. Please pray for the future ministry that the Lord has for me here in Nepal and for all the steps toward it to be illuminated at His timing and will. 
Please continue praying for my language development and patience with that. 
Please pray for my Auntie of my host family- she has had a terrible cough for a week or so now. 
Please pray for the creative side of my brain to stay turned on as I try to make learning fun for my students. [They are so awesome and patient with me!] 

One of my boys from the slums. He was so proud that he caught those frogs. "Karina-Miss! Must look!"

Thank you, and I pray for you all now as you journey through life. God knows where you are, I pray for peace comfort and discernment right now. 

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