Saturday, August 22, 2020

One Thing Remains

 These are some uncertain times.

 For us, of course and I will share about some of our uncertainties in a moment. But in reality, we are definitely not the only family who are experiencing that adrenaline rush that really wants to manifest itself into worry called: 

Why is uncertainty so difficult for us to deal with? Why do we want to feel like we are in charge all the time and that we get to 'call all the shots'? I would like to be so bold to suggest it is from our sinful nature, of course. It isn't so bold to suggest this though. Our sinful nature wants to do whatever it takes to not trust God. 

One of my favorite chapters in the Bible comes from Psalm 91, "He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say to the Lord, 'My refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.' The chapter is very popular and I am almost certain that if you do not already have the whole chapter memorized, you have at least heard it referenced once or twice in your life. 

It is amazing how scripture is completely unchangeable and always remains the most accurate source of wisdom we can ever set our eyes upon. 

So, yes there are a lot of uncertainties happening in all of our lives right now. We could be afraid or allow worry to manifest itself or we could choose to read truth, the scriptures and bask in the wisdom from the unchangeable God of the universe. 

I shared the above photo of Jyoti climbing a structure because it is such a perfect visual to our lives right now. Some background on the photo is this: Jyoti has always been very cautious (this is a very nice way of saying she is scared of  A LOT of things... dogs, heights, water, you name it and she is probably scare of it.) She would not try something new unless someone held her hand the whole way through. One day, we came to this playscape and for the second I looked down at Prasansa she decided to get up and climb. The unfamiliarity of it did not bring fear as it normally would have, instead the fact that she was navigating such unfamiliarity is actually what prompted her to pay attention to every step of the way, which is how she made it to the top without falling. I was so proud of her that day.

It was also this situation that helped me learn some valuable lessons that seem to apply perfectly to where we are right now. 
Many people ask us if we are 'for sure' leaving on October 1st. The truth is, we have no idea yet. Why? Because it is completely out of our control. This is new territory and not just for us. The whole world is navigating new terrain (so to speak.) This means we move forward carefully. We pray through each step as we move forward and fully depend on the one and only unchangeable God. 

If you could pray with us for these things we would greatly appreciate it:

1. Pray Karina's passport comes back quickly
2. Pray they will allow Karina and the girls to enter back into Nepal on Oct. 1st (right now they are not allowing tourists so we are hoping to come back as dependents) 
3. Pray that we can trust God every step of the way. Being present with everything happening around us. 

Thank you

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