Thursday, June 21, 2018

Crushed Expectations with Glorious Results

Here is the story of Prasansa Faith's journey from the womb to the world... 

I was ready to give birth long before my due date approached. I have heard this is common with the second one, as the fear of actually giving birth is long gone. 'Just get this baby out of me already' was a common thought, even before my due date had approached. On Friday, April 27th at around 3pm (my due date was the 30th) I felt my first contraction. I was stoked but knew I needed to remain calm because after I felt that first one, I didn't feel another one for another hour or so. Around evening that same Friday night, they had really picked up. 
My excitement faded into a fearful focus as the contractions became stronger and stronger. 

It was time to call the midwife. The baby must be on her way! They came quickly and got the house set up for the arrival my little Prasansa. The contractions came closer and closer together. We all anxiously waited. I hopped into the water to help with the pain. I relaxed and suddenly they stopped. I got back out of the water and they didn't pick back up again for another hour or two. What was happening?? My mind quickly went back to the moments before it all began and how badly I wanted this baby to be born. Had I done something wrong? Was this all a false labor? But then they came again close together and very painful. I was checked. My body was in active labor. My midwives decided to stay overnight. But then, it stopped again. Saturday morning sunrise shone through the house and yet still no baby. 

We decided to pray together to figure out what we should do next. I was also prayed for, I needed strength and I needed to understand what in the world was happening. 

After our prayer time, Simon and I went for a walk to see if that would trigger the contractions to come back since I was still effaced and dilated. 

The contractions were completely gone now. No one could understand what was happening but because all vitals on myself and Prasansa were coming back great, we decided to continue this odd waiting game. But now my midwives decided to head home. An hour or two after they left the contractions came back again. They again were very close together and strong. I was too embarrassed to call my midwife back again so instead, I just continued to endure without them. Around 7pm, Simon had had enough. He gave them a call and they came back over again. I was checked and was even more dilated and effaced, my body was in active labor. But this time they noticed something new, Prasansa's head wasn't turned correctly. We tried waiting it out. But after watching me suffer through hours and hours of contractions, the question of whether or not to break my water came to the surface. I was checked again. Her head still hadn't turned. She was too low on my cervix. She was having trouble turning her head. 
They helped me into a position that made the contractions ridiculously painful but it pulled her off of my cervix (I had to stay in that position for 30 minutes). Then they helped me into another position that also made contractions unbelievably uncomfortable that encouraged her to move her head. 

It worked. 

After 3 or 4 pushes, she was out! 

And my special girl was born inside of her amniotic sac (picture too graphic for this blog). She broke it herself actually. After her hands came through the birth canal, she threw her arms out and her fingernails cut open the amniotic sac. Yes, unique. Very very unique. 

So my parents came and met their newest grandbaby. 

Prasansa Faith was born on April 29th at 12:32 am weighing 7 pounds and 7 ounces. 

As difficult as the labor was and how strange her delivery was, I wouldn't change one thing. 

I look back at my supportive husband who was there for me and helped me every step of the way. He encouraged me and gave the extra push I needed to 'push' her out.

I think about all the expectations I had before she was born and realize how wrong they were. I thought she would be born quickly since she was my second. I thought she would be huge. I thought wrong and what a glorious reality that came out. 
Prasansa is a perfect name for her. For what can I do but praise the Lord? His perfect will played out and it was perfect.

And so, Jyoti met her little sister for the first time. And as I have prayed for since the day I found out I was pregnant, she has loved her since that very moment.

Our little family grew. 

From birth I have relied on you; you brought me forth from my mother’s womb. I will ever praise you.
-Psalm 71:6

1 comment:

  1. She is such a sweet baby as was her big sister! So thankful she was born as she was predestined by our Abba Daddy. She is beautiful! Congratulations! Thank you so much for sharing her birth with me. Love you, Camille


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