Saturday, May 15, 2021

Beautiful Confinement

If you are just now tuning in, Nepal is undergoing a horrendous wave of Covid-19 cases. Upon the quickly inclining numbers of cases and deaths within the country, the government placed the country on a very strict lockdown. Now before I continue, please know that I was in Texas for a "lockdown" where all the grocery stores were still open and most restaurants for takeout. We could still leave the house anytime we wanted and have visitors, it was just strongly encouraged to stay home/ keep a distance. That is not what is happening here. Kathmandu is very congested and so keeping a loose rule about keeping a distance just does not work here. 

*Disclaimer: I am not writing to say if I agree or disagree with the decision the government made. They made it and we live here so we are honoring their decision. 

But I do want to write what it is like to live here and give some first hand experiences versus just sharing news articles. 

It was a bit eerie as I walked down the empty streets that would normally be filled with cars, busses, and motorcycles.

 All of the business' shutters down tight to prove to any patrol officers that they are in fact following the orders of lockdown.

 They all know they can open between the now increased hours of 5-9 am. Out of tomatoes in the evening as you prepare dinner? Too bad! Time to get creative in the kitchen! It sure has been an interesting experience. 

The little shops have ropes to encourage people to keep a distance.

Something beautiful did come out of it as our neighbor started making us food and then we countered her gesture with more food. Now it is an ongoing show of love where we are exchanging different and unique dishes on the daily. We know we cannot have them over and they cannot have us over, but we can still enjoy each others' food and company!

Other than doing a lot of cooking to accept the challenge from our sweet neighbor, we spend our lockdown time with Karina teaching online classes/ prepping for those classes. Simon touching base with the kids as often as possible. Their homes are too far to walk to and in an effort to make sure they stay safe, we have asked the home parents to not allow outside visitors at this time. 
Jyoti and Prasansa are inventing new ways to play. They are "teachers," "doctors," "chefs," etc. Their playtime is continually an enriching and enlightening experience. Simon and I enjoy watching them turn an old peanut butter lid into a "plate full of pretend spaghetti!" 

One day when the rain stopped, we decided to explore. Since we are so blessed to live outside the main city, there is a lot of open area without patrol officers to walk around and explore. Jyoti loves these 'adventures' and Prasansa likes to follow her sister. 

We managed to find a hidden gem at the top of a hill! There were these huge grassy fields filled with local people playing soccer and other sports. We plan to go back to the gem often, maybe with snacks and other picnic items.
Our little adventure walks keep us healthy and able to interact with our world even in the midst of strict lockdown policies.

Once on one of these walks we met these adorable three little girls who were very keen to see someone who looks so different to them; yet so similar (Jyoti).  We spoke to them briefly and of course Jyoti was ready to become their best friend with her gigantic and kind heart. 

So much beauty in the midst of confinement.

Recently we have had so many amazing people reach out to us.
 Yes, the virus is awful here. Our neighbor behind us, a 26 years young man passed away from complications from the virus. I am not undermining the devastating aspect of what is happening here. But I do want you to know that by the grace of God, we are doing good. Please continue to pray for Nepal and India as the virus hits hard. 

We are so grateful for each you. 

Thank you for so much for your support, your love, your encouragement, your listening your kindness, and most of all for your prayers.

The most beautiful of all within this confinement is that He already overcame this world. 

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace.  In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”  John 16:33 

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