Monday, October 1, 2018

Visionary Trip

We came to the USA on December 20th, 2017. 

We came here for these reasons:
-Apply for a green card 
-Give birth to Prasansa 
-Give Jyoti some clean air
-Spend time with family
-Spend time with friends
-Spend time with church family

We weren't sure how long we would stay. We didn't know what the future held... we just came, with faith, that at the right time we would embark on the next step of our journey. 

During our time here (almost 10 months later), a lot more has happened. Simon has been able to do some studying with a close mentor. Simon and I both have had the privilege of meeting new people. People who have become our dear friends. Old friends/ family and new friends alike have been supportive to our specific situation, offering us financial support as well as gifting us so many things. We have really grown to love our little community over here. 
We have been able to build such a strong bond with my side of the family. 

Because we have grown so close to the people we are around they naturally have began to ask the loaded questions. 

So... what exactly is your plan for the future? Are you guys staying here forever? When are you going back to Nepal? What are you going to do?

Honestly, every time I hear those questions I freeze. They are fair questions. Good questions. And they are coming from people who care enough about us to ask them. 

Here is the answer... 




It is not a fun answer to receive or give. But it is the truth. It has been hard for me to come to this truth because I like to have all the answers. But in this case, we are living every day for the glory of God while we patiently wait to see what will happen next.  

But we -are- taking steps towards finding the answer. We are headed to Nepal on October 22nd, 2018 (arriving on the 24th) for a 6-week trip. Simon has his interview. We want to see our family and friends from that side of the world. And lastly, we will use this time to seek answers for our future. 

Let's call it a visionary trip. 

We are excited about this trip; but like our initial trip here, we really don't know what will take place while we are there. We will go and we will see what happens. 

Please be praying for us. Pray for our trip. Pray for Simon's interview. And please pray for our vision for the future.

Proverbs 29:18 English Standard Version (ESV)

18 Where there is no prophetic vision the people cast off restraint,[a]
    but blessed is he who keeps the law

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